Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December Rose

While I was scrambling to get Jaylene ready for school this morning I was able to get some pretty nice pictures of the sunrise. What really caught my eye were my roses that are still blooming!! In December!! I have been working in Photoshop Elements 7, basically teaching myself. This is the first time I have ever completed this type of layout. I am actually really impressed. I seem to have issues following directions and I do get frustrated. LOL So I hope you enjoy this picture!

I'm thinking of ideas for what to shoot tomorrow!!


  1. Beautiful rose for December! Nice shot! I too just started a "photo-a-day" blog. I sort of "unofficially" started it since I wanted to see how it would grab me, and then maybe start the "official" one on the first of the year. Nice to see others starting one as well. Keep up the momentum and I look forward to your posts! -yolanda

  2. Lovely, amazing this could be so pretty in December.
