These are just a few of the 20 photos that hopefully will be in the next issue of 101Things To Do in Shasta Cascade.
Once again my head has been up in the clouds, it's raining, some family issues and trying to get into the mood to actually take some photos. I hope soon I can get back out and start shooting some new things. There are so many new places I'd like to visit as soon as the weather is better. I honestly haven't been in the mood to do much, besides clean which helps me think. Or keeps me from dreading on things. I'm not sure which. I just know there isn't much more I can handle in my life at the moment. If it's not one thing, it's another. I need Calgon...please take me away!!
Even though I'm not getting paid for the use of my photos, it's a way to get my name out there and Stacey is kind enough to help me out! I really am excited about seeing my photos in a magazine!