Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 26

The girls call every squirrel "Sandy" from Sponge Bob. So here are some pictures of Sandy!

Somehow I've messed up on my counting. I'm pretty sure today is number 26, should be 27 but I didn't do a photo on Friday. Oh well....

Aperture Priority
ISO 400
Shutter speed 1/100 sec

Aperture Priority
ISO 400
Shutter speed 1/200 sec


  1. I love the first pic of the squirrel~ super cool~ btw, you are welcome for the introductions... can't wait to travel down there and meet all of my "friends" ;)

  2. Fantastic captures! Would be curious to see your exif data. They are hard little critters to capture sometimes - they move so quick! I can only guess that you were using a high shutter and wide aperature - I love the bokeh in the second shot, and Sandy's nut that he clinging onto for dear life!

  3. Aw they're so cute! Our squirrels have put away so much for winter they have rolls of back fat and neck fat! Great shots!
